Therefore 「因此、所以」的用法, 用在英文作文幫你的文章加分!How to use therefore in a sentence?

Therefore 「因此、所以」的用法, 用在英文作文幫你的文章加分!
Therefore 「因此、所以」的用法, 用在英文作文幫你的文章加分!

therefore 是副詞 (adv.),表示「因此、所以」,用在英文作文幫你的文章加分!

(例) It rained heavily last Sunday. Tom stayed at home all day. (缺轉折語)

It rained heavily last Sunday. Therefore, Tom stayed at home all day. (獨立成兩個句子,使用句號)
= It rained heavily last Sunday; therefore, Tom stayed at home all day. (用分號來連接因果兩句)
= It rained heavily last Sunday, and therefore Tom stayed at home all day. (用 and 來連接因果兩句)


(1) therefore 不是連接詞,所以沒有連接句子的功能,如果要將因果兩句合為一句話,必須使用分號,或是加上連接詞 and
(2) therefore 放句首或分號後面時,通常需要在其後加上「逗號」,再接句子。



[講解] : 兩個句子寫在一起要用連接詞來連接
**句子, 句子(X) → 句子, 連接詞 句子
1)He went to a restaurant, he ate a lot.(X)
→He went to a restaurant, and he ate a lot
2)It was a beautiful day, the sun shone brightly.(X)
→It was a beautiful day, and the sun shone brightly.
3)I used to play tennis a lot, I don’t play very often now.(X)
→I used to play tennis a lot, but I don’t play very often now.
4)It rained a lot, they stayed at home.(X)
→It rained a lot, so they stayed at home.
= They stayed at home because it rained a lot.
( so 和 because 不能放在同一個句子!)

So 怎麼用?

So 跟 therefore 一樣,是「因此,所以」的意思,然而,so 的詞性是連接詞,所以用法和 therefore (副詞)有些許差異。
It rained a lot, so they stayed at home.
=It rained a lot. Therefore, they stayed at home.
=It rained a lot; therefore, they stayed at home.
=It rained a lot, and therefore they stayed at home.
在以上的例句中,so 連接了前後兩個子句,形成一個完整句。

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